
Life Update: We May Be a Little Crazy

633 Nothing Like I Expected The Seek First Adventure

Hey Everyone!

I know its been a while since I have posted and if you are one of the ones who follow along the last several posts have been HEAVY. To lighten things up I wanted to give you a peek into our new big adventure! We have had two main reactions since our announcement a couple of weeks ago: 1. shock we aren’t expecting #5  and 2. “yep, this seems like something y’all would do.”

Just in case you missed the announcement —

The Seek First Adventure is our new baby!

(Which is fitting because it came roughly 19 months after Emerson so it stayed with in our typical 18-22 month gap)

To give some context to why “The Seek First Adventure” we are going to have to go back a few years. The number 633 has stood out to Ian over time and the day we merged bank accounts it became highly significant to me too. You see, my social begins with 633; when I said the number out loud to the banker Ian was in shock. When we left he told me how it was another confirming piece to the puzzle that brought us together. To this day when we see 633 we call it out and often run to each other and kiss. Even the boys are in on it and will urge us to kiss when they see it. God really began driving home Matthew 6:33 in our hearts the summer we were married as well.

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.

Matthew  6:33 HCSB (emphasis mine)

Honestly we haven’t been great at seeking first at all times or even known how to go about it. Deep down our greatest desire has been to love and serve God well, yet we have often gotten in our own way. Discussions of life quickly turned from radical to ease when we married. The pressure of providing fell on Ian and the dream of a nice house and easy life became our focus. I had said from the start that I would be happy living out of a van. Out of nowhere (so it appeared) early this spring Ian jokingly said why don’t we just live in an Airstream. I jumped on it with a big fat YES! Months of conversation and research ensued.

We decided that minimizing and living small would enable us to shift focus on the things of this world and put our value in the eternal.

By no means believe seeking the Kingdom looks like having to live in a tin can for all people. We believe that each person has their own “Seek First Adventure” God is calling them to. Our heart’s desire is to inspire other people to pursue what they believe God is calling them to. The amazing thing we have discovered over the years is God is a magnificent author. He loves to give His children their own distinct story lines and adventures.

If you want to follow along in our new adventure you can subscribe to our YouTube or follow us on Instagram.

What adventure do you feel God calling you on? I would love to hear in the comments!
***Bonus video*** get a greater glimpse of our thoughts about our Airstream

[can I just say I love how he is looking at me in this thumbnail]

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About Lauren Ashley

In my teens I knew exactly what I wanted. In my 20s I was shocked at how things turned out. In my now 30s I have come to accept that life will often turn out Nothing Like I Expected and I am just along for the ride. But the Lord directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9
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