Looking Back

The Day I Accidentally Said “I Love You”

On our way to pick up Maleia

It was a beautiful day in May of 2010, Ian had officially been my boyfriend for a whopping 3-days and he was going with my niece Maleia and I to the zoo for her birthday.  I was blown away he was willing to go with me at all.  And let me back track here real fast, although he had only been my boyfriend for 3-days we had been close friends for over 6-months.

It was an amazing afternoon, we had so much fun walking around and seeing all the animals.  We kept having Maleia make the sounds of the animals, the one I remember the most vividly is her mimicking a monkey saying, “Oooh Ooh Aaaawh Aawh!” or however those sounds would be written out.  We had a stroller for Maleia but I ended up carrying her a good chunk of the time.  I remember at one point asking Ian if he wanted to push the stroller while she was in it, he only looked somewhat freaked by the notion and declined the offer.

The Lizard and The Frog

The “Museum of Living Art” aka the place they keep the reptiles, amphibians, bugs and things along those lines, was the most memorable part for me.  We spent so much time going from glass cage to glass cage looking at snakes, frogs and lizards. Half the time we were trying to spot the creature so stealthily camouflaged in its own habitat.  Ian also liked this exhibit for the shot that he got of a lizard and a frog chilling out together on a branch.  I honestly didn’t even see the frog the first time he pointed out the lizard at the zoo.

We had a grand time together that afternoon.  Being the girl I am, the trip sent my imagination on a field day, dreaming up of the days of when we would be married and would take our kids to the zoo.  I loved every moment of it.  I bet it was those imaginative thoughts that caused me to do something I had been trying not to do for a while.  I can’t exactly remember at which point in the day the words “I love you” came out of my mouth but what I do remember was we were in the car driving.  I don’t even remember what we were talking about in that moment but all of a sudden I blurted those three little words out, “I LOVE YOU!”

I was immediately horrified I let the words slip through my lips.  I had wanted to tell him that for longer than I care to admit but I didn’t want to be the first to say it.  I am sure I was a minimum of three shades of red, out of embarrassment.  The funny thing is I don’t think he even realized I said it.  I don’t know if it was my quick recovery skills or that I didn’t actually say it at all and it was strictly in my head.  But we just carried on like nothing had ever happened.

Maleia and I on a Dragon

All in all though it was a splendid day, one that I will always look back on in fondness forever.  A day of dreaming of what life might be one day.  Not expecting that we would have our own little one to take to the zoo 2-years later.

Have you ever professed love for someone on accident in the moment?  How did it turn out for you?

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About Lauren Ashley

In my teens I knew exactly what I wanted. In my 20s I was shocked at how things turned out. In my now 30s I have come to accept that life will often turn out Nothing Like I Expected and I am just along for the ride. But the Lord directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9
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2 thoughts on “The Day I Accidentally Said “I Love You”

  1. Yes, I have, on more than one occasion. I was at work. It had been a particularly difficult and stressful day for my office manager, a 72 year old woman who had lived a very self-sufficient professional life. It was just the two of us together at the end of this long day. She looked particularly tired and my heart felt her burden. I asked how she was doing and she sighed the deepest sigh. At that very moment, I felt such compassion for her and something deep within me spoke, “I love you, Marilyn.” AWKWARD! “What do I do now,” I wondered; but I didn’t have to do anything. She turned slowly in her chair, looked me straight in the eye and said, “Thank you.” Her countenance had softened and a sort of relief came over her. And she continued with her work as I left for home.

    1. I love the power of those three little words! Rarely does saying I love you make someones day worse. Great story Janice, thanks for sharing!!!

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