
Motherhood, Choose To Re-Focus

Every mom (at least I hope I am not alone) at some point or another has one of those days. You know the ones where you want to scream *your choice bad word* at the top of your lungs because you think it will be cathartic. The ways you end up there are countless all I know is when you end up there by 8 on Monday morning its time to step back and re-evaluate how you are going to spend your day. I could stay angry, scary mommy until bedtime since today is one of those solo from sun up to sun down kind of days or I can choose to re-focus and make it a good day.

You are powerful. You are mom. You set the tone of your home. What do you want your kids to remember at the end of the day? Being scared you were going to lose it on them or that you chose to make it a good day and in that you were choosing to love them fiercely? Don’t get me wrong it’s not easy. Today for me it looks like giving the kids food, strapping the littlest in a high chair, putting Bethel Kids on YouTube and hiding in my room decompressing with coffee writing this. For some getting out of the house or taking a quick shower could  be the key to success. I used to have an endless list of excuses of why I couldn’t possibly grab a second to recompose but really there is always a way. Your kid may not love being strapped in somewhere or having to stay in their crib but if it will allow you 10 minutes to gather yourself and make you a better mom it is worth it.

I am grateful that I don’t have to wait until tomorrow for my do over. I am grateful that me yelling at my kids to quiet down because their brother is asleep (yes, I see the irony) doesn’t have to set the tone for my entire day. I am grateful for a Savior who makes ALL things new, even my putrid attitude. I am grateful that even when I am high emotions and low energy that I can still have a good day caring for the boys I love so much.

So, Mommas don’t allow the enemy to wreck your day with a sour mood. Be the brave, beautiful, powerful people that you are and kick your bad day to the curb. You got this. We got this. Now lets raise this generation to live life to the fullest!


They deserve me at my best, even if they turn my world (and my furniture) upside down.

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About Lauren Ashley

In my teens I knew exactly what I wanted. In my 20s I was shocked at how things turned out. In my now 30s I have come to accept that life will often turn out Nothing Like I Expected and I am just along for the ride. But the Lord directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9
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