Day to Day, Motherhood

Late Night Sandwiches

This was a few weeks back but quite possibly one of my favorite moments of 2014:

I love having boys. Judah and his snuggles are quite possibly my favorite things on the planet. It’s seven minutes til 5 (in the morning) and I have been up since Judah crawled into bed with me at 3:30. I transitioned him back to his room around 4 when we asked me to lotion his feet. Which is something he used to ask me to do pretty regularly when he was younger. As I was getting ready to leave his room I heard his stomach growl but chose to ignore it in hopes he would just fall back asleep. Being 34 weeks pregnant I actually grabbed a snack of my own and headed to bed. As I was finishing up while reading the Bible I once again heard little foot steps in the hallway. Judah was once again standing in my doorway declaring he was starving and he had to eat now!

So we quietly snuck into the kitchen and decided on having a peanut butter and honey sandwich. He sat on the counter before me as I made it and as he ate we talked. We talked about snow and Zealand. We looked at the numbers on the stove clock. He once again expressed his love for his brother that is coming and how he wants to hold him by the Christmas tree. About midway through the sandwich and a few belly hugs in I let him know it was still bedtime and that he would have to go lay back down. He decided he was done and went straight back to bed. No arguments. No complaints. Fully satisfied. And you know what, so was I. I loved having that time with him. The foreshadowing of what is to come. I wonder how many late night sandwiches he will go down and sneak as a teenager. I hope I have the privilege to make them occasionally and to have those whispered conversations in the dark kitchen. Times when he will tell me things he wouldn’t dream of telling me in the daylight. Things about girls or what is going on in his world. He is greatness. Sure I am lacking sleep but thankfully I have always done well with little sleep. I love my house full of boys. I love feeding them, snuggling them, caring for them. They bring me immense joy! They are my delight.

God thank you for knowing better than me. Thank you for giving me these precious gifts. Even after days like yesterday when I went to bed practically in tears because I was so overwhelmed with sick needy kids you give me the sweetness of way early this morning. Time stolen away with me. Something Judah so absolutely loves; when he is the center of my world. You have given me a glimpse of what is to come and that they won’t always need me yet even then I will hope that I can sneak into the kitchen too to make him what he wants. Late night sandwiches or bowls of cereal. Just the two of us sitting and whispering about things on our hearts. Those precious moments stolen away and forever treasured in our hearts. Yes. That is what I want. I want to cultivate that kind of relationship. I want to do it now, I want to do it when he is a teenager, when he comes home from college on a break and when he comes home for Christmas and his wife is still in bed and the kids are piled on the living room floor. I want to forever steal these moments with my boy.


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About Lauren Ashley

In my teens I knew exactly what I wanted. In my 20s I was shocked at how things turned out. In my now 30s I have come to accept that life will often turn out Nothing Like I Expected and I am just along for the ride. But the Lord directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9
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