
Cheers to the End of a Decade ๐Ÿฅ‚

There is nothing like the end of a year to make you all sorts of reflective, this isnโ€™t new or unique but here I sit typing out another run of the mill end of the year blog post. [Feel free to skip it ๐Ÿ˜]  This last decade has been one of monumental change and disproportionate levels of pain. I am…

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Created to Reflect

Our lives were created to reflect Christ as the moon reflects the sun || Nothing Like I Expected

Ever since I was young I have been obsessed with the night sky. Daydreaming about the stars was a regular thing in my world. I was completely fixated on works of art like Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh. Growing up in suburbia added to my fascination because seeing more than a few stars in the sky was a rarity.…

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